Author Archive: Admin

An invite to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team – MS Teams meeting on 5th April 2023 at 7pm

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District and Parish Elections 2023

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To Vote at the District and Parish Elections on 4th May 2023 you will need photo ID.

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The Pulham St Mary Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 14th March 2023, 7.15pm at The Pennoyer Centre.

Every English Parish must have an Annual Parish Meeting, if the Parish Council Chairman attends then he must chair the meeting and he has second or casting vote. The meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June inclusively, … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Watch Alert!

You may be aware of the sharp increase in catalytic converter thefts that have been happening across the county since late 2022. These were initially occurring in large, public, carparks, but more recently these are happening on residential streets, to … Continue reading

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Pulham’s Youth Engagement Project

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District, Parish and Town Council Elections 2023

The District, Parish and Town Council Elections are being held on Thursday 4th May 2023. You can find out lots of information about the Parish Council Elections, how to get involved and to download a nomination pack, by following this … Continue reading

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Pulham St Mary Neighbourhood Watch

Pulham St Mary Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is looking for Volunteer Co-Ordinators – Contact Mark Scanlan on 07596 448666 or at [email protected]

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A Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

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Norfolk Constabulary Engagement Surgeries in Harleston

Monthly engagement surgeries will be held every 1st Tuesday of each month from February – May 2023. St Johns Church, Broad Street, Harleston at 10am – middayThe Apiary Cafe, 3 The Thoroughfare, Harleston at 13.30pm – 14.30pm.

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